Monday, July 26, 2010


So many fun exciting things! July 24 we went to the Ogden rodeo. The most packed day ever, sun blazing hott! The only thing that saved us was their Fat Cats hand fan! Greatest invention ever. Once that sun went down it was great fun. I always look forward going to the rodeo every year. Watching the people parichute and landing with flags hooked to their leg. Its amazing how they can land so gracefully. The cutest part in the Mut n' Bust. The little kids trying to hold on the dear life. We also had a friend who did the steer riding and he would of gotten 2nd place but he left too early. but he did pretty good for his first time! All in all, we had a great time.

1, 2, 3 Strikes your Out!

Yup thats right we went to the Raptors game. Chris's work donates poles to the game and then in return his work gets free tickets, so we took Kelly and Karlie (one of our friends) with us to the game. Free entertainment is my kind of thing. Even though this isn't the major leagues, it wasnt too bad of a game, well until the 5 inning. The best thing there were the Snowies! So delicious, Tigers Blood and Pina Colada. Always good on a hot summer day in the blazing sun.
Chris's work like I said donates poles to the Raptors, So they asked a guestion during one of the innings about who are the three women for something about skiing. I had no clue and im pretty sure nobody knew in the stadium, except for one person. My Husband. The only reason he knew because they sponsor these women. So he got a free set of poles, that little cheater. But it was still funny that he won them.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Summer Times

Me and Bud decided to just take a little trip up to the Mountains with his dads fourwheeler. Great view and so much fun!