Thursday, October 28, 2010


I can't believe that October is almost over! It seems like everything is going by a million miles an hour. Especially on my birthday. The day came and gone. I can't believe I am 23. It seems just like yesterday I was graduating High School. My birthday was great though. Chris and I went to my favorite resturant Olive Garden; salad and breadsticks are amazing! Then of course a little shopping. Who doesn't on your birthday? That night we celebrated with Chris's family, with my favorite cake in the world, Score cake! Thanks everyone for a great birthday!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Baby Bliss!

I like to welcome two new babies to the family!
On October 8, 2010, we welcomed Indie Lee Ketcham into our welcoming arms. (Smiles and all)
She's a cute one! Nice job Linds. We love her so much.

The second baby we like to welcome is our cute first grandchild on my side.
Bensen Ryan Snow Born on October 11, 2010. Cute red hair and all.

You cant really tell he has red hair,but it is so cute. He is already one spoiled little boy.

We are so excited to have these two bundle of joys in our lives. I am so excited to see them grow and learn with their little minds. I hope they will always know how much I love them and how great it is to be an aunt.

Monday, October 4, 2010


So I was walking around Quilted Bear and saw this super cute onesie with a witches hat sewn on it.So, I said to myself "I could do that". So I took a picture of it with my phone and went to my drawing board and wipped it up. It turned out so cute. With that it gave me a couple more ideas I could put on a onesie. Here are some that I did.

Didn't it turn our cute?

This one was my second idea.

This one has got to be my favorite so far!